
Ethical marketplace that makes shopping consciously easy

Team Yorokobi

Ava Xu (Myself), Shufang Xue


Interactive high-fidelity prototype


Design Lead


Adobe XD


a Prologue

Fast fashion is a popular and exploitative business model based on replicating high-fashion designs, mass-producing them at low cost.

Oftentimes, this entails exploiting workers in inhumane conditions and creating detrimental environmental impacts. Apparel workers are among the lowest paid people in the world and fashion industry has been one of the most polluting industries worldwide (McKinsey, 2021).


What’s Spoor?

Spoor is a socially responsible e-commerce platform designed to help Millennials and Gen Z who would love to invest in sustainable fashion and learn more about the ethical brands. 

In three days, we designed Spoor: the 1st place winner of the Adobe + Patagonia Creative Jam, which topped the field of 432 participants from 113 universities across the US, UK, and Canada!


Product Roadmap

We build a product roadmap during the kickoff meeting. We also utilized this meeting to align on the overarching end goals, our roles and duties.

During this project, I was the Design Lead and Shufang was the Ideation Lead.


Research Findings


/ Gen Z & Millennials

According to First Insight, 62% of Gen Z* prefer buying from ethical brands, on a par with Millennials*.

*Millennials include anyone born between 1980 - 1994, Gen Z includes anyone born between 1995- 2012.

/ Covid-19 & Consumer Shifts

The pandemic has amplified the public awareness of social injustice in the fashion industry’s supply chain. (McKinsey, 2021).


Meet Our User

With secondary research insights, we came up with our persona: Serina Rogers.


What Does Serina Say?


“I love doing online research, I can find myself like for hours looking at different coats online, different companies and what materials they use.”

“People say like one person can't make a difference. But if one person does it and then someone copies them, and then they influence someone else like that is how change happens.”

Source: Understanding millennials' perception and behaviour toward sustainable fashion consumption in the postmodern society by Jacqueline K . L Liew


Our Goals


User Flow


Drafting a user flow empowered us to reflect on and prioritize multiple user tasks within a limited time.

Click here to access a detailed high-resolution version of the user flow


Visual Design


We created a design system as we virtually collaborated on Adobe XD asynchronously. This guide helped us unify some details and maximize efficiency.

This faded green colour story mimics the natural colour of the forest, which will likely engage users in sustainable practices. Not only that, but green also has a positive connotation related to vitality, freshness and youthfulness, according to Color Psychology.


Our Solution


Spoor is an e-commerce platform offering solutions to fight against fast fashion and mitigate the sustainability impact of the toxic business model. By forming a coalition with sustainable brands, we wish to tackle environmental and social challenges together.



Smooth Onboarding Experience

By integrating with social platforms and offering an option to skip certain screens, Spoor provides a simple and aesthetic onboarding experience for any first time users.

“I love the use of colors on this app. The onboarding experience makes me feel calm and want to explore more.”

- Participant #3, Guerrilla Testing



Ethical Icons For Every Product

All of the merchants on Spoor are ethical brands. Every product label has sustainable icons that indicate the causes the product supports.

“I really like the recommended products wall. I think it’s a great guide for users who are looking for products that are made fairly to shop.”

- Finale Judge, Mia Fabbri, Graphic Designer at Patagonia



Learn About Daily Featured Brands

Spoor features three ethical brands everyday.

Each brand has its own “Learn More“ screen so users can learn about the efforts it makes as a sustainable brand.

“I notice that you prioritized the shop function instead of the information page. I really appreciate that you are not trying to push it too hard.”

- Participant #5, Guerrilla Testing



Learn How Every Single Piece Was Made

Users can learn about the life story of each piece: the true costs, materials, where the product was made, and how they will foster a positive impact by purchasing the piece.

“It’s kinda like Everlane. I like it.”

- Participant #1, Guerrilla Testing



Address, Payment, Review - Order Placed!

There are only three necessary steps- address, payment and order review.

After users place an order, they will see an order confirmation page.

“I am actually working on the checkout process design. Thank you for paying attention to such details.”

- Finale Judge, Manu Garzaron, Experience Designer at Patagonia



Measure Your Impact With Awards

Spoor’s Awards system showcases measurable impacts through gamification to boost user engagement.

Younger users are more likely to reach their aha moment (Mindtickle, 2020) with the gamified experience.

“My favorite part is definitely the gamification. You folks did it so well. The users are gonna want to get better by unlocking more awards.”

- Finale Judge, Purva Takkar, Global Experience Designer at Adobe



Dig Deeper: Becoming a Conscious Consumer

Users can acquire more in-depth knowledge about the sustainable causes they support under each unlocked award. It empowers them to become more conscious consumers.



Trade In The Pieces You Don’t Want

Users can check their pieces in the closet and check the product information conveniently.

At the upper right corner, users can opt to store, delete, and more importantly, they can trade in their pieces in the future. It helps them reduce environmental impact.

“This is so cool. This feature makes me believe in your value proposition more deeply. ”

- Participant #2, Guerrilla Testing

Next Steps

If given more time, we would like to:

  1. Conduct thorough user research to validate user needs and pain points.

  2. Conduct a usability test and iterate again.

  3. Test the feasibility of our idea by meeting with other stakeholders.

  4. Introduction of new features like adding care instructions to product information page to encourage consumers to care for their clothes in low-impact ways, turning awards into tangible rewards to boost user retention, etc.


Mission “Impossible“: With only three days to design, it was crucial for us to draft a clear work schedule and break the big task into smaller pieces. We used multiple productivity tools like a Kanban Board to monitor the progress closely. This process really helped us keep our stress levels in check.

Spoor’s Kanban Board - Work In Progress

“The devil is in the details“: Again, within a three-day sprint, it was so hard to align on many design details. I approached this issue by establishing a design system before diving into the design phase. I also spent 2 hours conducting a thorough design review while my teammate was drafting the abstract for submission during the final stage.

Thank you for scrolling.